Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Turn Your Mortgage Into A Wholesale Mortgage

Instead of paying retail for your mortgage would you like to turn your existing first mortgage into a wholesale mortgage? Would you like to cut the interest rate on your existing mortgage in half without refinancing and without making extra payments out of your pocket?

Of course you would. Who wouldn’t! Now before you say, it is too good to be true, keep an open mind. Already in Australia and the United Kingdom thousands of homeowners are doing this and drastically reducing their interest costs and how many years they pay on their mortgage. This started about 8 to 10 years ago in Australia. The estimate for Australia is that almost half of the homeowners are using this system to pay off their 30 year mortgages in less than half that time.

This system has now come to the States, and thousands of people are saving hundreds of thousands of dollars by paying off their mortgage years early. United First Financial has set up a program that helps homeowners restructure their banking relationship so that they are able to cancel years of interest payments. With their web based software and the Money Merge Account, homeowners can take control of their money and build wealth rapidly.

Currently, there are over 10,000 people using the MMA program. In April 2007, 1,200 people signed up with United First Financial to pay off their mortgage sooner.

By tying your checking account, your first mortgage and a home equity or advanced line of credit into one virtual bank account, the MMA pays down your principal on your first mortgage years ahead of the regular amortization schedule. This results in reduced interest cost and builds equity in your home years faster.

Now it doesn’t work for everyone. Families or homeowners who owe more than their home is worth are probably not going to be helped. If you can’t control your credit card spending habits, it also may not work out for you. But for many families and homeowners this is a great way to own their home years earlier. The word is spreading rapidly.

Steven Currie is a financial consultant who helps homeowners save money on their mortgages. Contact info: 931-647-4333