Saturday, September 1, 2007

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How To Refinance A Home

A Step-By-Step Walkthrough

1. Loan Search – Put yourself in the hands of an experienced mortgage professional, someone who will help you to determine which financing options best suit your needs today and in the future.

2. The Hunt – Begin shopping for a loan. Once you find the right loan officer and/or company, the terms of the loan will be discussed, including the price and the terms of the loan being sought.

3. Loan Application – Supply your mortgage professional with all required information, and try to be as accurate as possible. It's essential to include all outstanding debts as well as assets and income.

4. Documentation – Submit the proper paperwork supporting your application to your loan professional. Commonly requested items include pay stubs, two years' tax returns, and account statements verifying the source of the down payment, funds to close, and reserves.

5. Appraisal – Lenders most likely will require an appraisal on your home. This will let you know the true value of the home in todays market.

6. Title Search – This is the time when any liens against the property are discovered. A lien may have been placed on a property to ensure payment of outstanding debts by the owner. All liens must be cleared before a transaction can be completed.

7. Processor's Review – All pertinent information will be packaged by your mortgage professional and sent to the lending underwriter, including any explanations that may be needed, such as reasons for derogatory credit.

8. Underwriter's Review – Based on the information put together by the loan professional, the underwriter makes the final decision regarding whether a loan is approved.

9. Approval, Denial or Counter Offer – In order to approve a loan, the lender may ask the borrowers to pay off more debt in the refinance to improve the debt-to-income ratio.

10. Insurance – Lenders require up to date fire and hazard insurance on the replacement value of the structure. Flood insurance will also be required if the property is located in a flood zone. In California, some lenders require earthquake insurance on condominiums.

11. Signing – During this step, final loan and escrow documents are signed.

12. Funding – At this point, the lender will send a wire or check for the amount of the loan to the title company.

13. Closing – Documents transferring title will now be officially recorded by the County Recorder.

14. Confirmation of Funding – The lender authorizes the disbursement of loan proceeds.

15. Congratulations, you have refinanced your home!

If you'd like to learn more, please give us a call. We would be happy to speak with you!

Home Refinance

Buying a home is very important to many people the world over. Because houses are such a big-ticket item -- for most people, the most costly item they will ever purchase in their lifetimes -- the biggest hurdle they must jump over is getting a mortgage loan just to buy a house.

Once a loan is obtained however, it does not automatically mean the homeowner has stopped getting loans. Most homeowners refinance their mortgages from time to time, at least every 10 years if not much more frequently.

To refinance a mortgage is to replace it with a brand new loan, usually but not always from a different lending company. In so doing, the applicant (current homeowner) must go through a mortgage application process similar to the process of obtaining the original mortgage loan. Refinancing can be a very sound financial choice, if done for appropriate reasons.

There are good reasons and times to refinance, and there are also bad ones. Good reasons for home mortgage refinancing may include: reducing monthly payments by taking advantage of lower interest rates or extending the repayment period; reducing the interest rate by switching from an adjustable-rate to a fixed-rate loan or from a balloon mortgage to a fixed-rate loan; reducing the interest cost over the life of the mortgage by taking advantage of lower rates or shortening the term of the loan, and paying off the mortgage faster (accelerating the build-up of equity) by shortening the term of the loan.

It may be a good time to refinance a mortgage when it is possible to get a better rate or a better loan product to fit your needs, and when there is no current prepayment penalty that would eat up equity by paying off the original loan. A bad time to refinance a mortgage would be when rates are currently higher than

the loan is already fixed at, and when paying off the current loan would mean incurring a prepayment penalty to the lender.

While it is possible, and many homeowners do it all the time, to use home equity to buy luxury items and finance vacations, it is not necessarily smart. The house is an appreciating asset, so its equity should only be used to buy other appreciating assets (such as other properties, or businesses) rather than items that are known to only lose value. It is not the best use of refinancing to get cash out to pay off credit cards that will only be spent up again due to out-of-control spending habits. It would be much smarter, for example, to use cash from a home to fix up the home and therefore increase its value, than to buy a luxury car that will depreciate as soon as it's driven off the dealership lot.

Gaining equity in a home is a wonderful thing; a solid investment. However, mortgage refinancing should not be viewed in terms of using a house as an ATM, because of the risk of dwindling equity -- a secure nest egg for the future -- for short-term inability to curb the desire for immediate gratification.

Kathy Hildebrand is a professional writer who is easily bored with her "day job" assignments. So, she researches anything and everything of interest and starts writing. Writing about an extremely wide variety of subjects keeps her skills sharp, and gives her food for thought on future paid writing assignments.More of her research and articles can be found at and other sites around the internet.